Wing Ide 6 1 4 – A Python Ide File

Wing Python IDE 6.1.2: November 8, 2018

  • To upgrade Wing Python IDE, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell: Copy wingide -version 6.0.12 to Clipboard To uninstall Wing Python IDE, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell.
  • It does work, if I start a terminal from within Wing IDE, which is automatically in the correct virtual environment and then install via pip. Pip install pyqt5. This is on a fresh install of macOS Mojave with python 3.7.7 installed via installer. WingPro (rev b4c7d93c92a9).
  • Wing is a light-weight but full-featured Python IDE designed specifically for Python, with powerful editing, code inspection, testing, and debugging capabilities. Wing's deep code analysis provides auto-completion, auto-editing, and refactoring that speed up development.
  • How to include file in wing-IDE. Wing IDE + Python 2.4: no module named functools. How to stop Wing IDE from opening imported modules on exception.

Wingware has released version 6.1.2 of its family of cross-platform Python IDEs.

Wingware Wing IDE Professional. Wing IDE is a professional version of Python software for working with Python environment, now you can easily create any scripts and applications, test and debug, edit the source code and all this thanks to this tool, it was developed not only for experienced users, beginners will also find it convenient to work with, you will get a multifunctional IDE.

Changes in 6.1.2

This release allows creating a new virtualenv from the NewProject dialog,implements VI mode inner/all text object operations such as ciw and das, exits VIinsert mode when jk is typed rapidly, fixes reporting of top-level exceptions andskipping in pytest, supports goto-definition links in docstrings, allowssetting the main debug file from editor tabs and the OpenFiles tool, rememberscurrent tab in preferences and properties dialogs, and makes many other improvements. Seethe change log for details.

About Wing

Wingware's family of cross-platform Python IDEs make Pythondevelopment easier, with powerful integrated editing, debugging, unit testing, and projectmanagement features. Wing runs on Windows, Linux, and OS X, and can be used to develop anykind of Python code for web, desktop, scientific, data analysis, embedded scripting,and other applications.

Version 6 introduces many new features, including improved multi-selection, much easier remote development, debugging from the Python Shell,recursive debugging,PEP 484 and 526 type hinting,PEP 8 reformatting, support for Python 3.6 and 3.7,ability to create a new virtualenvfrom the New Project dialog, improved VI mode, support forVagrant, Jupyter, Django 1.10+ and 2.0, and Windows Subsystem forLinux, improved support for matplotlib, easier Raspberry Pi development, optimized debugger, OS X fullscreen mode, One Dark color palette, Russian localization (thanks to Alexandr Dragukin),expanded free product line, and much more. For details, see What's New in Wing Version 6.

Wing 6 works with Python versions 2.5 through 2.7 and 3.2 through 3.7, including alsoAnaconda, ActivePython, EPD, Stackless, and others derived from the CPythonimplementation.

Wing Pro requires purchasing or upgradinga license, or obtaining a 30-day trial at startup. Wing 101and Wing Personal are free versionsthat omit some features.

For more information, please visit


You can try Wing 6 without removing older versions. Wing 6 will read and convert your oldpreferences, settings, and projects. Projects should be saved to a new name since previousversions of Wing cannot read Wing 6 projects.

Wing Ide Python 3

See also Migrating from Older Versionsand Upgrading.