Datebook 1 0 5 – Journal Format
The things recorded on this form are listed chronologically by date and posted accordingly in particular accounts in a generl ledger. Journal Format Forms or a Journal Entries are widely used by businesses, institutions and households alike. FREE 5+ Journal Format Forms in Excel 1. Journal (Entry) Format Form Sample. This is the original 3-1/8' x 6' Personal Pocket Journal providing month-at-a-view and week-at-a-view pages in one book. This superbly created book has become an unmatched standard among pocket diaries on the market today. PBJ 4.00.0 Submission Specs for the January 7, 2020 Release; NHPBJ XSD File 4.00.0 (submit Employee and Staffing data) NHPBJADMIN XSD File 1.00.0(submit Employee ID linking crosswalk) PBJ Excel to XML Template - An Excel template is available in the Download section to convert valid PBJ Excel data to 4.00.0 format. Annual Reviews Rankings in Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics) 2020 Release of Journal Citation Reports. The 2020 Edition of the Journal Citation Reports® (JCR) published by Clarivate Analytics provides a combination of impact and influence metrics from 2019 Web of Science source data.
A note about online sources: The APA 6th edition requires a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) or the home page URL for articles from a database. If you find an article on the 'open web' (that is, you found it using a search engine such as Google), you need the full URL of the article.
To create correct citations, ask yourself:
- Did I find this article in print? If yes, no URL is needed.
- Did I find this article in a database? If yes, include ether the DOI (if given) or the database's home page URL.
- Did I find this article on the open web? If yes, then include the doi (if given) or the full URL of the article.
Still need help figuring out whether you need a URL or DOI? The APA has published this flowchart on their blog:
Article found in print, with one author:
Lastname, F. M.(Year).Title of article.Title of Journal, volume (issue), pages.
Pajares, F.(2001).Toward a positive psychology of academic motivation.
Journal of Educational Research, 95(1), 27-35.
Article found in a database, with one author:
Lastname, F. M.(Year).Title of article.Title of Journal, volume (issue), pages. doi: OR Retrieved from URL
Castiello D'Antonio, A.(2018).Coaching psychology and positive psychology
in work and organizational psychology. The Psychologist-Manager Journal,
Datebook 1 0 5 – Journal Format Citation
21(2), 130-150. Retrieved from
Article found on the open web, with one author:
Lastname, F. M.(Year).Title of article.Title of Journal, volume if available
(issue if available), pages if available. doi: OR Retrieved from URL
Cohen, P.(2009, October 9).Author's personal forecast: Not always sunny, but
pleasantly skeptical. The New York Times.Retrieved from
Article (from the open web) with two authors:
Lastname, F. M., & Surname, F. M. (Year).Title of article.Title of Journal,
volume (issue), pages. doi: OR Retrieved from URL
Norem, J. K., & Chang, E. C.(2002).The positive psychology of negative
thinking.Journal of Clinical Psychology,58(9), 993-1001.
Article with three to six authors:
Lastname, F. M., Surname, F. M., & Lastname, F. M.(Year).Title of
article.Title of Journal, volume (issue), pages.
Jutras, S., Vinay, M. C., & Castonguay, G.(2002).Inner-city children's
perceptions about well-being.Canadian Journal of Community
Mental Health,21(1), 47-65.
More than seven authors? List the first six authors and the last author.
Authorone, F. M., Authortwo, F. M., Authorthree, F. M., Authorfour, F. M.,
Authorfive, F. M., Authorsix, F. M. . . . Finalauthor, F. M.(Year).Title of article.
Title of Journal, volume (issue), pages.
Book with one author:
Datebook 1 0 5 – Journal Format Pdf
Lastname, F. M.(Year).Title of book: Subtitle of book.Publication City, ST:
Bok, S.(2010).Exploring happiness: From Aristotle to brain science.New Haven, CT:Yale.
Books with multiple authors:
The format follows the author format as listed under articles.
An edited book:
Editor, F. M. (Ed.).(Year).Title of book: Subtitle of book.Publication City, ST:
Snyder, C.R. & Lopez, S. J. (Eds.).(2009).The Oxford handbook of positive
psychology.Oxford; New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Web Sites
Web site with one author:
Lastname, F. M.(Date published).Title of page. Retrieved from URL
Lopez, S. J. (2000).The emergence of Positive Psychology: The building
of a field of dreams. Retrieved from
Web site with a corporate or organizational author:
Organization name.(Date published).Title of page. Retrieved from URL
Positive Psychology Center.(2007).Attributional style research (Adults).
Retrieved from
Image from an online source with a creator listed:
Creator, F. M.(Date created). Title of image [Description of image]. Retrieved
[date] from URL
Swanbrow, D.(2008, July 23). A happiness ranking of 97 nations [table]. Retrieved
Datebook 1 0 5 – Journal Format Paper
January 21, 2010 from
Image from an online source with no creator listed:
Title of image [Description of image].(Date created). Retrieved [date] from URL
Image from a print source with a creator listed:
Creator, F. M.(Date created). Title of image. [Continue with title of book or article as appropriate.]